
วันจันทร์ที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Install english Duokan (25-04-2014) on your Kindle Keyboard (kindle 3)

Download Duokan Kindle Touch (2014) :

  1. Connect your Kindle to your computer via USB
  2. Open the Duokan archive and copy the folders DK_System, DK_Documents and DK_Pictures to your Kindle root directory.
  3. Also copy all the .bin files in the archive to the Kindle root.
  4. Disconnect USB
  5. Make sure that your Kindle is charged (at least 50%)
  6. On your Kindle, press “Home”, then “Menu”, then select “Settings” and then press “Menu” again. Choose “Update Your Kindle”
  7. Kindle restarts and after restarting be quick and press Q for Duokan (W is for the original Kindle OS). If you’re not fast enough, go to Home, then Menu, then select “Settings” and then press Menu again. Choose “Restart” and be quicker pressing Q next time. In some cases you will get back to the original Kindle OS after updating. If this happens to you, choose “Restart” in the settings menu.
  8. That’s it! In the settings you now might want to add your ebooks of your original installation to Duokan. To do this, simply go to “Home” in Duokan, press “Menu”, select “Settings”, find “Other->Use Kindle Lists” and select “Yes”. Additionally you may copy some ebooks to your DK_Documents folder to use them only in Duokan.

